#Kemvee speaks
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kemvee · 8 months ago
I'm so deeply invested in FFXVI right now. I haven't finished it yet (so no spoilers please) but haven't been this enraptured by any of the games since maybe X? I genuinely think this has rekindled my obsession with the series which I'd been playing out of loyalty more than love.
Anyways I suspect there will be doodles!
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thedastrash · 2 years ago
WIP Wednesday!
Now that my exchange pieces are waiting for Arlathan and Templartations reveals... time to pull out some huge WIPs I've been ignoring and see if I can poke at them until some plot falls out. Here's a chunk of Varric that I like, but I'm not sure where it lives yet. Tags below the cut as usual.
Wind howled over the Frostbacks, piling snow drifts against the windward side of every building in Haven. The tent Varric had been given was surprisingly large which meant it was also drafty. He was able to set up a small table and a stool within the canvas walls, but the wax wasn’t enough to keep out the wind. Snowflakes blew in under the walls, wind threatened to whip his papers out from beneath his quill, and his fingers grew numb from the chill. 
Perhaps that was enough writing for the evening. Placing his work away carefully, where snow couldn’t dampen its corners, he pulled on his leather jacket. Not the best for the weather, but he didn’t get a chance to pack up when he was forcibly hauled out of Kirkwall on a death march to this frigid rock. At least it was his favorite jacket. And it had nice runes. Thank you Sandal.
“Fucking mountains. Nothing but ice and death,” he grumbled to himself as he pulled his gloves on. He braced himself, but the wind when he opened the tent still made him clench his jaw. All his warmth seemed to evaporate from beneath the collar of his jacket and his ears immediately felt raw and miserable. He should find a scarf, or maybe a hat, from the supplies, but his dignity wouldn’t let him. He’d rather be fashionable than warm.
Cassandra stood like a statue in the training yard, watching Cullen work with the recruits. This was her fault really. She’d kidnapped Varric from Kirkwall and interrogated him for days. He made sure she knew it too. 
“Nice weather we’re having,” Varric quipped from behind her.
Cassandra didn’t even flinch, though she couldn’t have heard him approach. He was far too stealthy to be caught out like that, even in the snow. She turned her head and merely grunted her agreement with a slight furrow to her brow. Always suspicious, the Seeker.
“Couldn’t the Inquisition hole up on a beach somewhere? I hear Rivain is lovely this time of year,” Varric tried again.
Cassandra wasn’t having any of his good humor today. “You are free to go.”
“I will hold those words dear,” Varric laughed. “How I’ve longed to hear them from your lips.”
A small noise of disgust came from Cassandra’s throat before she stalked off to speak to Cullen. Varric wondered if she was staying warm through sheer stubbornness. Her armor seemed better suited to a lower elevation, less ice, more bodies on the ground. Maybe her wrath kept her warm.
Varric made his way into the warmth of the chantry. Appropriate to have taken over a chantry for the dubious organization of the Inquisition. The fires were banked low, but the sheer number of people inside helped warm it up considerably. The air was moist with evaporating puddles and the breath of huddled people in conversation. The camp had been fairly jolly after the last success on the Storm Coast. The Chargers had cheered things up with their irreverent celebrations and their get shit done kind of attitude. The Iron Bull and company were Varric’s kind of people - loud and drunk and bloody. It made him miss Kirkwall if he didn’t keep busy.
No pressure tags: @author-a-holmes | @silvanils | @noire-pandora | @knuttydraws | @raflesia65 | @retrowondergirl | @morganlefaye79 | @charlatron | @kittynomsdeplume | @kemvee | @a-shakespearean-in-paris | @jentrevellan | @isk4649 | @charmcity-jess | @cleverblackcat @dismalzelenka @sulky-valkyrie @dalish-rogue @pierogipie @anderstrevelyan @favorofthewater @anatidae-dragonage @midnightprelude @highwayphantoms @transandersrights @jellydishes @syrupwit @captaincadash @barbex @potatowitch @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul @glowing-blue-feathermage and anyone else who would like to share <3 Tag me so I can see what you're up to!!
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kemvee · 4 years ago
Because canon Cullen...
1) Blushes, stammers and runs away when a female Mage Warden tries to flirt with him in Origins
2) Blushes and stammers when referring to the 'young ladies' who work for the Blooming Rose in DA2
3) Blushes, stammers and quickly changes the subject when you ask about his vows of celibacy
We fans draw it because it's canon!
With one notable exception involving a desk... but you're probably not reading the right comics for that sort of thing 😉
Why does every Cullen comic drawn by a fan is basically:
Inquisitor walks in being all sexy
Cullen is working on something
Cullen notices and gets blushed or a nosebleed.
What is this repeating pattern??
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pavusprince · 4 years ago
Tagged by @kemvee to share the titles of my current WIPs. I don’t actually name my art... But my fic has a working title.
1. Who Brought a Child to the Apocalypse?
Alternatively titled:
This is what you get from simping a Templar
What’s Worse than a Mage? A Child!
And more seriously... Come What May
2. Step One: Don’t Fuck the Templar. Oops Failed Step One. A Circle Mages Guide to Gaining Your Freedom and Being a Badass
Deidra Origin Story
Tagging: @herald-divine-hell @bigfan-fanfic @redangrypears and anyone else with WIPs cause I can’t think of other content creators atm.
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noire-pandora · 2 years ago
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Happy Wednesday, everyone. Here’s a bit from Daughter of Fire, chapter 13 aka Elluin has too many secrets and suddenly everyone will know about them.Val Royeaux.
The city of radiant abundance shaped Elluin's life more than any other place. In the shadow of the grandiose palaces, she had learned to live among humans and to read the fine threads of truth hidden behind their masks.
When her adoptive father died, the grief of walking alone on the same streets they once roamed drove her to run away and never look back. She renounced the inheritance Hirrum had left her, even though she had promised never to forget him.
For ten years Elluin successfully avoided the beckoning of her second home. For ten long years she pretended that her heart belonged to no place.
With every step the horse took, the years in Val Royeaux came back to her mind, and the vivid memories of the good and bad days she had spent in her adoptive father's bookshop brought tears to her eyes. Tears she could only hold back with difficulty before her companions noticed her grief.
"Sparks, what's going on?" Varric startled her as he spurred the smaller horse and rode closer to Elluin. "You're paler than usual."
Of course Varric had noticed her distress. Hiding her feelings from the man was as futile as hoping that morning would never come.
"I'm fine," she said, waving her hand in front of her face where a group of pesky flies buzzed about. "The flies irritate me."
"Sure they are. Listen, if you want to talk about it ..."
"That's just it, Varric, I don't want to talk about it," she said through clenched teeth. Glory - the magnificent grey horse she rode - sensed her distress and shook his head three times, neighed softly. "I'm sorry, boy," she stroked the horse's head to reassure him. A twinge of guilt quelled her growing annoyance at Varric's persistence. She had often wondered if horses could sense the connection she had with Rage and the power it offered.
"Varric, stop bothering the Herald," Cassandra stepped in when he opened his mouth to insist. "She does not want to speak about her problems, leave her alone."
Tag list: 
@oxygenforthewicked | @emerald-amidst-gold| @sidhelives | @kemvee |  @midnightprelude| @fandomn00blr |  @hobo-apostate | @in-arlathan | @ashalle-art | @juliafied |  @barbex  | @rakshadow | @pinkfadespirit | @dreadfutures|  @a11sha11fade |  @dismalzelenka @blarrghe| @crackinglamb | @potatowitch| @wildercrow @musetta3 @drag-on-age | @moonlightheretic | @doomhippy83 | @rosella-writes |  @johaeryslavellan @cleverblackcat|  @melisusthewee | @darethshirl|  @queenaeducan| @roguelioness | @inquisitoracorn |  @charlatron| @kittynomsdeplume | @a-shakespearean-in-paris|  @jentrevellan|  @isk4649 |  @charmcity-jess | @raflesia65 |  @thedastrash| @starsandskies|  @fiadhaisteach| @serial-chillr | @about2dance |  @the-dreadful-canine | @aymayzing | @for-the-ninth  @kumaronoa|  @knuttydraws| @pookydraws | @aricazorel |  @khajiithasnowares|  @effelants  @thehedgehog2t221b    @ami20nat  @arliah  @rosenrotxiii @bogunicorn @thebookworm0001 @plisuu​
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charlatron · 3 years ago
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Thank you so much for the tag @noire-pandora ❤️
A smutty snippet from the next chapter of As Luck Would Have It
Olivia smirked discreetly to herself when she heard the distinct creak of leather boots. How long had he been there without her knowing? Probably snuck in with the staff who brought her bath water, she surmised.
She sank lower into the tub, sighing provocatively as the hot water soothed her aching muscles. 
Only when the water grew tepid did she finally vacate the tub, stepping elegantly out of the water and making a show of patting herself dry.
She walked over to the vanity, staring at her reflection as she ran a brush through her damp locks. Her pulse quickened when the dip in the bed over her shoulder disappeared, and she stared at a spot in the mirror where she thought he might be.
Her breath left her in a rush when she felt his hands on her hips, gripping tightly as he moulded their bodies together. She could feel him hard against the small of her back and his warm breath on her neck.
Impulsive, she elbowed him in the ribs and tried to escape but he gripped her arm and pulled her hair, exposing her neck to his lips and teeth.
When she attempted a further escape he snaked an arm beneath her elbows to restrain her and chest heaved with excitement as she heard him unbuckle his belt.
Enjoying the struggle, she stomped on his toe with her heel and broke free, though immediately found herself hauled over his shoulder and thrown onto the bed.
She rolled onto her front and tried to crawl away but a hand wrapped around her ankle and dragged her to the edge of the bed before strong arms flipped her onto her back and a heavyweight pinned her down.
A breathless laugh escaped her as she halfheartedly struggled beneath him, and when she heard him drawth breath to speak she quickly pressed a finger to his lips and slowly shook her head.
Cullen crushed his lips to hers as soon as she lowered her hand, eliciting a soft surprised moan which morphed into one far more carnal when he slowly hilted himself with a fluid roll of his pelvis.
He groaned against her neck as she writhed beneath him, and she decided right there that it was one of the most erotic sounds she’d ever heard.
Tagging @kemvee @jacklyn-flynn @kittimau @ashalle-art @hobo-apostate @fiannans @pookydraws @kourvo @schoute @scharoux @pikapeppa @kittynomsdeplume @knuttydraws @starsandskies @raflesia65 @jentrevellan @perhapsrampancy @zuendwinkel @lavellanvibes @jellysharkbat @briarfox13 @a-shakespearean-in-paris @alyssalenko and anyone else looking for an excuse to share something they're proud of ❤️
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kemvee · 2 years ago
How to see 'mature' content on mobile.
New Tumblr terms are here (aka welcome back female presenting nipples) but everyone is defaulted to 'hide' when it comes to the good stuff. Here is a step by step guide to fix that if you're on mobile. 18+ only please
Step 1: Go into your settings, click 'content you see'
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Step 2: Scroll down till you find the labels. 'Mature' is a catch all but there are specific options available
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Step 3: Personalise to taste :)
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johaerys-writes · 3 years ago
Tag 10 people you want to know more about
I was tagged by @kemvee and also by @peggy-sue-reads-a-book a little while ago in something similar-- thank you both! It's been a while since I've done one of those so this was fun 😁 There's been a bunch of new people following me recently and I'd love to know more about all of you, so if you're reading this feel free to grab a tag!! I'm also going to tag some of my existing friendos because I love poking ya: @in-arlathan @inquisitoracorn @aymayzing @tevivinter @elveny @hexcore-juggler @juliafied @zuendwinkel @tessa1972 @rakshadow
Favourite colour: I've always loved blue, and I go through phases where I'm obsessed with a different shade (right now it's pastel blue)
Favourite food: umm I don't think I have one? I just love food, any food, ALL THE FOOD 
Song stuck in your head: "Oh No" by Biig Piig
Last thing you googled: literally "how to find your search history" because I'm on my phone and it's impossible to see it for some reason 😂but it was probably about song lyrics
Time: 15:48
Dream Trip: Japan
Last book you read: just finished The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy, currently reading Gates of Fire by Steven Pressfield
Last book you enjoyed reading: I actually ended up liking The God of Small Things even though I wasn't sure about it at first. Before that, I read The Charioteer by Mary Renault and it's SO GOOD, it's so so good I highly recommend. And Gates of Fire is amazing so far!! 
Last book you hated reading: I had to go through my Goodreads account because it's been a long while since I read a book I disliked. It was Homeland by R.A. Salvatore which was.... bad. Oh my god it was so bad 😂 I'd read some books of his in the past which were meh, okay, but because I love the Forgotten Realms and specifically the drow elves and their culture I decided to give it a go but I couldn't finish it. I think I read maybe the first third before I gave up, which says a lot because I almost never leave books unfinished even when I don't like them.
Favourite thing to cook/bake: I love Korean and Vietnamese food, so I always have a blast trying new recipes and ingredients. I am absolutely useless at baking though, I'm so bad at keeping time and I always end up burning things LOL. It's a running joke in my family how forgetful and easily distracted I am 
Favourite craft to do in your spare time: I usually spend most of my spare time writing so that's pretty much it 😅 Oh and I can also crochet but only basic things, I'm still very much a beginner
Most niche dislike: When people complain about Madeline Miller's version of pacifist Patroclus. That really rubs me the wrong way, for so many reasons. I actually started typing up some of those reasons, but then I crossed into rant territory and I deleted it. So suffice it to say that although I can sometimes see where those TSOA-critical opinions are coming from, I do not share them. 
Opinion on circuses now and in history: This is... something I've thought so little about? I don't really have an opinion. I've never been to a circus, or even watched any circus performances on TV. As long as animals aren't being used or abused for circus performances, I'm good, I think?
Do you have a sense of direction and if not what is the worst way you ever got lost: I have a weirdly remarkable sense of direction, I never get lost even when I'm in a new place/country and I don't speak the language. I'm always the one in charge of planning routes and giving directions, so yeah no funny stories about getting lost unfortunately lol. 
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retrowondergirl · 3 years ago
WIP Wednesday Friday
Alright time for WIP Wedn- /checks calendar/
Alright time for wip Friday. I re-did chapter 6 of my long fic, In Glory We Rise. So here’s a little snippet of it. Thank you to those who tagged me on Wednesday.
“Good afternoon, Ser,” The rider cheerfully greeted and swiftly saluted, “I am looking for the Herald of Andraste. Do you know where he might be?” The rider wore metal armor that was dark blue fitted with a white sash around his waist, which seemed to hold up a decorative sword by his side, and a notable metal insignia of a horse rising. His dark blue helmet covered his entire face, only his icy blue eyes were visible. Barely. It was a bit fancy but nothing too grandiose, so Cullen naturally assumed he may be just some private guard to some noble.
Cullen raised a brow at the armored rider, his tone was formal and chirpy, and his accent was strange. It sounded both Free Marcher and Ferelden. He couldn’t quite place it but something about the rider felt…off. “The Herald isn’t here at the moment.” Cullen answered curtly.
The rider tilted his head, “Do you know when he would return then?” he cheerily inquired.
“It’s hard to say.” Cullen mumbled, his voice so quiet the rider leaned in to hear. Cullen sighed and spoke to the armored rider with a more loud but respectful tone, “You should speak to the others in the Chantry,” he pointed to the building, “They will more likely know more about his whereabouts.“ He said as he returned back to his duties.
“If I may ask once again, who will these people be?” The rider chirpily inquired.
“The Ambassador, the Seeker, or the Spymaster.” Another curt response. Cullen could’ve sworn he heard the rider mutter, “Some help you are,” as he rode off to the Chantry.
Late WIP Tags:
@kita-lavellan | @silvanils | @ellie-effie | @noire-pandora | @morganlefaye79 | @rosella-writes | @cleverblackcat | @thedastrash | @kittynomsdeplume | @musetta3 | @knuttydraws | @raflesia65 | @charlatron | @kemvee | @a-shakespearean-in-paris | @jentrevellan | @isk4649 | @charmcity-jess | @a11sha11fade and anyone else who wishes to participate!
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kemvee · 4 years ago
Thank you @cullensource for organising and sharing the Cullen love.
Thank you to the content creators who spoiled us with all their wonderful works.
Thank you to everyone who liked, reblogged and uplifted during the event.
Same time next year yeah?!
#Cullenweek 2021 has come to a close… 
 Please allow me to take this moment to send the biggest heartfelt thankyou to every single person who made this years #cullenweek a success. Whether you did one prompt or all 7. To the artists, writers and supporters I see and appreciate every single one of you. Cullensource <3
I will keep tracking the tag and checking my notifications for any late entires, and usual scheduled posting will follow soon! I hope you stick around!
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varric-tethras-editor · 4 years ago
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HELLO AND WELCOME TO THE BAND!AU MOTHERFUCKERS. This story is the feral brainchild of me and @little-lightning-lavellan imagining our OCs as punk rock babies that play music and sing sad songs loudly and get mad about stuff while living in a modern day Thedas. So far it has been (affectionately) titled "Pure of Heart, Dumb of Ass" which is based off of this meme that I tagged Kissi in which then resulted in this art that Kissi drew for me.
Silvhen Mahariel (my Warden) will eventually be joining in on the drums and they are currently taking suggestions for a band name as Kissi and I have our priorities all backwards.
(Oh also there's a playlist because we are garbage humans.)
I was tagged by @little-lightning-lavellan, @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold, and @emerald-amidst-gold. I would like to tag (with no expectations or pressure) @kantrips, @ellenembee, @pikapeppa, @a-shakespearean-in-paris, @jentrevellan, @kemvee, @dreadfutures, @a11sha11fade, @cciarants, @drag-on-age, @fernaee, @the-dreadful-canine, and ALL THE PEOPLE MY LIL BRAIN IS FORGETTING *MWAH*
Varric shrugged and half smiled. “Alright then, Hawke, how do you plan on making enough money to afford that nice place I hooked you and Melon up in, then?”
“Easy! I’ll just keep being my charming self until someone finally realizes and compensates me heartily!” Liora laughed as she spoke, but silently she was wondering the same thing herself.
Varric had been generous enough to cover the first few two months of rent for her and Mellan while they settled in the city but she couldn’t just mooch off him and his generosity forever. She would have to start contributing, and soon.
“Well I looked into working at Maryden’s Instruments but even the floor supervisor position paid shit wages. Nothing I could ever afford to live on. I get it’s a small family business, but it’s too expensive to live in Denerim these days. And I mean, Mellan and I have been playing again a little lately, so I went over to Skyhold to ask about performing, cause y’know they got new owners and they’re planning to reopen and they’ve been advertising they need performers for like… ever. So I figured maybe they’d be willing to chat. But like the second I walked in, this old bald elf just got all cranky and told me I couldn’t understand the building’s significant history being “who I was.”
Liora said the last sentence mockingly and added some air quotes for good effect.
“What bullshit, right? I mean, yeah, he had no way to know my dad ran their soundboard for years on years but still. I grew up with stories of Skyhold and to just be shunned out of the building automatically…” Liora trailed off in despondence. She understood exactly why the elvhen man had dismissed her on sight.
It seemed Varric had caught on as well.
“Bald man, eh? Chuckles is still all ‘Elvhen Glory’, then?”
“Chuckles? Varric this man couldn’t have smiled if he’d won the lottery. He just glared at me until I couldn’t speak. It was awful. I can usually talk to anyone, but I guess I just got intimidated. I’d never actually been inside Skyhold before so I was a little shaken.”
“It’s ironic, Hawke.” Varric pondered for a second, stroking his thick fingers over his golden-red stubble. “And maybe try sending Melon through. I don’t think it’s a bad idea to get in there, if you can. You just need a foot in the door. Or in this case, a pointed ear.”
“You’ve met Mel, right? I love her but she gets so fucking nervous talking to people! That’s why she told me to handle all of our PR things if we ever wanted to play gigs.”
Liora didn’t mind the agreement she made with Mellan. Liora was social, well spoken, and usually more than happy to network and make new friends, especially in the music scene, whereas Mellan could occasionally be skittish and easily overwhelmed. But maybe for this venue, and for ‘Chuckles’ who seemed like he definitely would not be giving her the time of day, sending sweet, stumbling, beautiful Mellan over would be the better approach.
Maker’s breath, Mellan wasn’t going to look forward to that experience. Liora released a heavy sigh and quickly knocked back the rest of her rum and coke.
“Alright, it’s time to bribe some elves.”
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another-rogue-trevelyan · 4 years ago
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I was tagged by @kunstpause @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold @inquisitoracorn thank you all for the tags!
I’m living for this jealous Cullen situation, if you couldn’t tell 😈
“Josephine, Leliana, might I have a word with the Commander alone?” she asked, her eyes never leaving him. Cullen fidgeted beneath her gaze.
“Certainly. Perhaps you can talk some sense into him,” Josephine quipped. “I’ll meet you this evening to prepare you for dinner.”
And with that, she was gone. Leliana followed suit, a slight smile pulling at her lips as she shut the door behind her. Evelyn waited a moment before speaking.
“What was all that ab-“
“Don’t go.”
She held him with nothing but her eyes, those damn Trevelyan blue eyes that could break him at her will, and he was powerless. They appraised his face, his body - his clenched jaw, his tight grip on the edge of the table, his tense shoulders, and the position of his head, slightly bowed.
“Why are you so upset about this?”
Because you’re mine.
“Because…” He sighed, pacing the room as he struggled for words. “What if he tries to take advantage of you?”
“Then I’ll kill him.”
Maker, he loved her.
“But that’s not the real reason, is it?” she continued.
But damn her exasperating intuition!
“No,” he confessed.
“Then what is it?” Cullen turned away, trying to hide his face from those eyes that could see right through him, but the lightest touch of her hand upon his shoulder and suddenly he was staring straight into them, his own hands landing at her hips as hers rested against his chest. “Cullen, please. What’s wrong?”
And with those words, she had done it. He crumbled before her, finding himself unable to hide. His armor was useless against Evelyn Trevelyan.
“You’ll think I’m ridiculous.”
“I hope so. That’s much better than something so serious it can’t be helped.”
He rolled his eyes, but she had somehow pulled a hint of a smile from him, and - even worse - she knew it.
“You’re too perfect.”
“And that’s your problem?”
“I’m afraid you’ve lost me.”
“You’re witty, and smart, and you’ve got a tongue made of pure silver, and on top of that, you’re stunning. Every man that sets eyes on you wants you, and if he says he doesn’t, he’s a liar. And perhaps I’m selfish and don’t want to share.”
“Cullen, no one is asking you to share.” Her voice was soothing as a thumb stroked his cheek. “You know I’m all yours. And though I appreciate the compliment, I think you’re exaggerating a little, don’t you think?”
There she went again, melting him with nothing more than a few words. Didn’t she see the effect she had? Didn’t she know?
“No, I don’t. Josephine is going to dress you up and send you on a date with expensive food and wine and candlelight, which is everything you deserve, and with running the Inquisition and all the work we have to do we’ve barely had a moment to ourselves, so I haven’t been able to-“
Suddenly she was kissing him - a soft, slow, sensual kiss that stopped his thoughts until there was nothing but her, her lips, and the scent of lavender left. He wasn’t even sure what it was he had been trying to say when she pulled away, just far enough to hold him with that dangerous gaze once again.
“I don’t need fancy dates. You make me happy, Cullen.”
“I know. But I still want to be able to do that for you.” He rested his chin on top of her head and held her against him, arms wrapping around her slender waist.
“I have to go. It’s important to the Inquisition.”
“I know.” Even Cullen could tell how disappointed he sounded.
“But it isn’t a date. In fact, the dinner table will likely be littered with documents and agreements. Far too much politics for your taste. And when I’m done, I’ll come to your office. We can spend some much needed time together. No work, no Inquisition. Alone.”
Just he and Evelyn, entirely on their own, without a report in sight. It was a luxury they hadn’t been afforded in some time. And since he knew she was coming in advance, perhaps he could offer her a bit of romance after all.
“It’ll be late. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather go to bed afterwards?”
“You know, I just heard the Inquisitor has rescheduled the morning war council to the afternoon.” Evelyn grinned and wrapped her arms around the back of his neck.
“Has she? Well, in that case…”
He kissed her again, and though he still wasn’t thrilled by the prospect of the private dinner, he couldn’t deny the promise for afterwards had lifted his spirits.
“I’ll see you tonight?” she murmured against his lips.
“You will. Now go, before I decide to keep you here all day.”
“Is that a threat, Commander?”
“It’s a promise if you don’t leave now.”
She trailed her hand down his arm as she pulled herself from his grasp, the brush of her fingertips the last he felt of her before her touch abandoned him.
“I’ll see you later,” she said, peering at him through thick lashes, and then, with a wink, she was gone.
Tagging @kemvee @charlatron @jentrevellan @hawkeish @musetta3 @noire-pandora and anyone else interested!
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agentkatie · 4 years ago
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In sleep he sang to me In dreams he came That voice which caaaaalls to me And speaks “there’s a shield in your hand block with it”
The lovely @kemvee was so kind as to send a holiday gift to @effelants and me combining our two greatest passions/problematic faves 😍 Encorporating Erik’s dramatic flair into Cullen’s character would have definitely improved the games (please picture Cullen screeching “NOW LET IT BE WAR UPON YOU ALL” as he fires his trebuchets), although he may have bankrupted the Inquisition through flagrant destruction of chandeliers.
Thank you so much and happy holidays!! <333
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midnightprelude · 4 years ago
WIP Wednesday!
Good morning! @oftachancer and I are writing a fix-it Anders x Karl fic and quite a lot of it involves letters, which we’ll probably include between the chapters from when they were young. Here’s a couple of those!
Firstfall 16, 9:20 Dragon
Esteemed Enchanter Thekla,
I’m desperately sorry that I must begin this letter with a sincere apology. I’m afraid that by the time your correspondence had arrived, I found myself at a great distance from the Hold. I had hoped, foolishly, to deliver this missive in person, but I was - as I should’ve expected, really - foiled in my attempt to book passage north.
The halls are ever so much more dreary since your departure and I find myself whiling a great many hours into my solitude, but I assure you, it provides no comfort for me. No. I had but one comfort these past years. One reason to stay in Kinloch Hold, for that youthful hope of a future we dreamed up among the darkened library stacks or on barrels of hay in the barn. The Tower has become ever more a mausoleum for me, that I must subsist upon the memory of your laughter rather than the sound fills me with such despair I can scarcely breathe.
I’m sorry, my friend, but I cannot keep our oath any longer. I cannot live where you are not and be content with mere scraps of parchment. I am sorry.
I’ve entrusted our companions to the care of Amell and Surana; the girls are nigh inseparable and they rather remind me of us at their age. Kyr misses you, as do I.
If not this letter, perhaps the next. One day it’ll stick.
Yours always,
Haring 21, 9:20 Dragon
It is with a heavy heart that I received word from Solana of your incarceration, though I cannot speak to any portion of surprise on my part.
You ass.
Have you any inclination at all towards my well being? Do you think I like to hear that you’ve been beaten and put into a little box like one of Jarvis’ wayward hamsters? What madness even possesses you to- You realize that the Gallows is in the City of Chains. If anything, the names alone should give you pause in attempting to rush north.
Why can’t you simply bide your time and make arrangements to be transferred like a normal person? My efforts to that end are undermined by your impulsiveness, you realize.
Andraste’s frilly underskirts, to borrow your parlance, but sometimes you make me so incredibly furious and this is one of those times.
I miss you. You bastard.
I hope Solana sees this to you with all speed before you get yourself into any more trouble, and that you heal quickly and resolve to be the man I know that you can.
All my unending affection, Maker help me,
Tagging forward to: @kemvee | @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold | @ashalle-art | @jentrevellan | @zuendwinkel | @lavellanvibes | @dalish-rogue | @hollyand-writes | @dismalzelenka | @enigmalea | @kunstpause | @elveny | @thefoxinboots | @blarfkey | @charlatron | @a-shakespearean-in-paris | @wardenari | @queen-kass-the-writer | @blarrghe | @nug-juggler | @johaeryslavellan | @laniardraws | @faux-fires | @noire-pandora | @ramonadecember | @decimdraws | @dragongeek1 | @in-arlathan
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spicywarl0ck · 4 years ago
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I got tagged by the lovely @kunstpause​, and unlike last week.... I did not forget to participate this week.
For this week, have another snippet of my ongoing BDSM Solavellan AU Unleashed: The truth was, that she felt exactly like that. She felt as if she lived a role her entire life, embracing the perfect girl that her parents and professors wanted to see in her. Living up to their expectations was what she did ever since she could remember. But the truth was, that she wasn’t the perfect girl that everyone saw in her. And, it seemed that Solas was able to see that. That he was able to see her, stripped bare of the lies and the image that she put onto herself.
Could this mean that she was so fond of him because she could be herself with him?
‘Ah, but speaking of the devil… look who just walked in.’ Eirlana pulled her out of the thoughts once more, causing her heat to be faster at the mere thought about spotting him on another casual occasion.
And, yet… her expression fell slightly when she saw him with the woman who walked beside him. She was beautiful, walking with confidence while she wore a top with a low cut out that didn’t do much to hide her breasts underneath the burgundy coloured fabric. Her dark hair was tugged up, tight leather pants embracing her thighs while her make up was on point too. To sum it up, she was the complete opposite to her. Which was something that made her even more unsure.
Was this woman his girlfriend after all? Not that this was any of her business of course, and yet… she couldn’t help to feel a bit… disappointed? Sad? She couldn’t say to be honest, and she let her eyes flutter down for a moment before they shifted to Solas once more.
I’m tagging (without any pressure as always)
@charlatron​  @elveny​ @scharoux​ @kemvee​ @zuendwinkel​ @queen-kass-the-writer​  @schoute​​ @pikapeppa​​ @jacklyn-flynn​​ @thefoxinboots​​ @wardenari​​ @jentrevellan​​ @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold​​ @dalish-rogue​​ @lavellanvibes​​ @musetta3​​ @starsandskies​​ @ashalle-art​​  @dismalzelenka​​ @blarfkey​​ @noire-pandora​ @hollyand-writes​
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kemvee · 5 years ago
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This is so incredibly sweet and kind and I JUST LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH! Thank you to whoever nominated me and thank you to everyone who takes the time to share their beautiful art, stories and thoughts. It's easy to show support when I've got such a lovely fandom to be involved with.
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text overlaid atop the dragon age logo that reads “Shout out to a kindred spirit @kemvee and our mutual love of the multifaceted Cullen Rutherford. Not only is she a brilliantly inventive writer, she also takes the time to show other peoples works love too. She’s just a really lovely person and I’m truly thankful to have I met her.”
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